HeartMath Parent & Child Coach, Spiritual Mentor & Truth Speaker, Energy Intuitive and Published Author.



Helen works with parents, children and teenagers. Helen holds a safe energetic space to allow for deeper connection, transformation, understanding and inner healing to take place. The space gives greater opportunity to open up to broader perspectives and to access higher levels of conscious awareness on a multidimensional level, resulting in a deeper understanding of your life and the life of your child. As a human collective we are now waking up to the fact that we are energetically sensitive beings. This fact is something Helen has been aware of since being a young child and shares her story in her recently published book. The space Helen offers helps you to understand how your outer and your inner world impacts you and and your creation of reality. Helen offers tools and techniques to enable you to work with your inner self first which helps to reduce the level of impact that you are experiencing from the outside world. Energetically sensitive people tend to have the labels of Autistic, ADHD and Neurodiverse and generally experience high levels of stress, anxiety and depression.

Helen works by incorporating all of her own personal experiences whilst offering sessions in HeartMath, Energy Techniques and Mentorship to aid mental and emotional balance, self regulation, attention regulation whilst building resilience and coherence. The results over time are a reduction in anxiety, stress, addictions and the need for reliance on pharmaceutical medications.

Helen sees the high levels of anxiety being experienced now as a collective and holds a strong knowing that relying solely on pharmaceuticals for everyone on the planet to be able to exist is not the answer, especially for the future of our children.
There are other ways of living without the overuse of excessive drugs that contribute to other health problems from side affects. It is time to reduce the further increase of addiction problems for our future generations.

Helen makes it very clear that there is a place for the use of medications when necessary but not as a continuous reliance to fit into systems that do not serve us.

Helen’s message is for you to really KNOW that you are now in a time of understanding WHO and WHAT you really are as a multidimensional being living on this planet now and experiencing the huge evolutionary leap in consciousness.

Get your copy of Helen’s book ‘Awaken to a new world. My journey from surrender to sovereignty’ now to enable you to get a deeper understanding and a resonant experience of Helen’s message for the times we are in now.


I worked with Helen using HeartMath and energy work. The experience of working with Helen opened up so many possibilities for me, It renders me speechless at times. I certainly would never of expected all that I found before I embarked upon this journey.

One of the most incredible changes was in my 13 year old son. My son is highly anxious with detachment issues through trauma. He is hugely creative, funny, caring and so much more. It was getting to a point where I felt I was losing him to all of his obsessive coping strategies that he had created to make a safe place. His skin was like sandpaper and covered in sores where he had picked at it all over his body because he felt out of control. This lead to bullies which made things worse for him. Everything from the standard treatments offered by doctors were failing him. My son would never have considered Helen’s work as something to partake in however, it has grown on him remarkably and become very affective.

On the initial phone calls my son spoke honestly of his experiences, the biggest game changer was what I learned as a parent witnessing him speaking. Something he was saying didn’t register right with what I had learned over the years of conditioning, so I automatically corrected him. However, Helen pointed out that his experience was key in all this and not what I thought. When I look back at me, lots of my conditioning was coming from a place of fear of needing to blend in and fit somewhere. Huge growth has come from that realisation alone for me and my children. How they experience their life doesn’t need to be altered to fit into a world that doesn’t necessarily understand yet.

Lots of this work was helping to alter my behaviour, attitudes and actions. We are all sensitives in our house and this is where simple HeartMath tools initiated the changes.

Helen is really good at communicating with my children. My son wasn’t keen at first but there really is something in being listened to and heard. As time passed he began to see results so now he asks to do it with me. His skin is 70% better, considering 80% of his body was covered and barely able to move. Because we learned tools to support our nervous systems, my son now recognises for himself when he needs to use HeartMath. He is using it to regulate himself when he feels out of control and needs to calm himself down.

I cannot emphasise enough how important the Energy & HeartMath sessions I did with my son is. It is ok not knowing everything as a mum and actually there is a huge liberation in that. Now I am open to trying new things I am able to feel like a better and more empowered mother. I now feel able to hold my children and watch them flourish.

Helen these sessions (Energy & HeartMath) are making my life clearer and I’m seeing that there is a passage I need to now take. You have helped lead me to this gateway of transformation in my life and I am a willing participant and stepping through the gates with a better understanding of why and what I am to now do. Thank you.

I had an amazing first Energy Session with Helen and I felt the beginnings of a journey I had wanted to open up for some time. Helen made me feel relaxed and comfortable and explained everything I needed to know about what she would be doing during the session. The space Helen uses for her sessions was lovely, with soft candlelight and calming music, it was perfect to create a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. I am so impressed by everything that I had experienced and have gone on to book more sessions with Helen to continue the wonderful transformational process I feel is taking place within me.

Awaken to a new world – my journey from surrender to sovereignty is available now! Buy it from Lulu, or Amazon.

About Me

My Name is Helen.

I am a Mother, Energy Intuitive and Conscious Channel, Quantum HeartMath Parent Coach, New Paradigm Spiritual Mentor, Truth Speaker and Published Author

I pride myself in NOW aligning with my lifes mission of being the fullest expression of my own TRUTH to allow me to follow my passion which is to be of SERVICE to HUMANITY during these times of HUGE CHANGE and TRANSFORMATION that is happening within us and on our planet.  

Contact Me

Email me at helen@helenlfisher.com or use the form below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Book An Appointment

To view availability and book a coaching session, please visit https://helenlfisher.as.me